Hoan My Minh Hai Hospital
Our Services
Outpatient Care
Inpatient Care
Diagnostic Testing
Clinical Laboratory Services
Outpatient Care
Our team of highly trained doctors and medical staff are well-equipped to diagnose, examine, and treat our patients. The hospital also organises periodic health screenings for corporate groups or individual patients in the Ca Mau area.Inpatient Care
With rooms well-appointed with modern equipment, we provide treatment in areas such as obstetrics, surgery, internal general medicine, ear-nose-throat, ophthalmology, cardiology, and orthopaedics.Diagnostic Testing
Equipped with a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art medical technology, our team of professional radiologists and specialists provide the best diagnostic testing and functional exploration. Examples of our leading-edge medical equipment include the spiral CT scanner, mammography equipment, digital radiography equipment, 4D colour ultrasound machine, echocardiogram, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, otolaryngology endoscopy, and electrocardiogram equipment, and bone density measurement machines.Clinical Laboratory Services
Equipped with the latest LabConn software, our trained team of specialists delivers the most reliable and swift test results for our patients. Examples of our leading-edge medical equipment include the ARCHITECT ci4100 Integrated System, CELL-DYN Ruby from the United States, Stago Satellite from France, and Erba Lyte Ca plus from Germany, as well as various other advanced medical equipment from Japan.
Established in 2010 to provide communities with high-quality healthcare services on their doorstep and at a reasonable cost, Hoan My Minh Hai Hospital has become a trusted and familiar facility for people in the Ca Mau area and neighboring provinces and cities.
Building upon decades of Hoan My Medical Group’s experience and expertise, Hoan My Minh Hai Hospital continues to develop and innovate in complex pathological treatment, reducing the burden on patients. The hospital receives hundreds of patients every day for examination and treatment in a range of specialties.
Medical “expertise” and “ethics” are the twin pillars of Hoan My Minh Hai Hospital. We believe that “the patient is the centre of our care and treatment activities”. Along with our modern equipment, Hoan My Minh Hai Hospital has a team of dedicated staff who always work for the health and safety of our patients.
In addition, to enhance the quality of our customer service, we constantly share best practices with other hospitals in the Hoan My network as well as other prestigious medical organisations. Investment in new-generation medical equipment allows us to better serve patients with advanced medical examination and treatment techniques to improve efficiency, shorten treatment time, and reduce costs for patients.

Dr. Phan Van Hung
Specialist Level I Doctor, Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Dr. To Thanh Thuy
Specialist Level I Doctor, Head of Emergency Resuscitation Department
Dr. To Anh Kiet
Specialist Level I Doctor, Head of Examination Department
Dr. Ong Thanh Phong
MSc., Doctor, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Dr. Nguyen Phat Tai
Doctor, Head of Surgery-Anaesthesia-Resuscitation Department
Dr. Dao Thien Tu
Specialist Level I Doctor, Head of Functional Exploration Department
Dr. Huynh Trung Lap
Specialist Level II Doctor, Head of General Surgery Department
Dr. Nguyen My Dung
Specialist Level II Doctor, Head of Cardiology and Endocrinology Department
Dr. Phan Thi Ut
Specialist Level I Doctor, Head of General Internal Medicine Department
Dr. Ngo Van Den
Specialist Level I Doctor, Paediatrics Department
Dr. Tang Quoc Thinh
Specialist Level I Doctor, Head of Interspecialty Department
Dr. Dao Trung Tri
Specialist Level I Doctor, Deputy Head of Emergency Resuscitation Department
Dr. Tran Thanh Tuan
Specialist Level I Doctor, Specialty in Ophthalmology
Dr. Lorem Ipsum
Cardiologist | Hanh Phuc International Hospital
Dr. Lorem Ipsum
Cardiologist | Hanh Phuc International Hospital
Dr. Lorem Ipsum
Cardiologist | Hanh Phuc International Hospital
Dr. Lorem Ipsum
Cardiologist | Hanh Phuc International Hospital