Hoan My Annual Scientific Conference
Every year, we organise a “Hoan My Annual Scientific Conference” as a forum for medical professionals both within and outside the Hoan My network to present and discuss timely and practical research topics. The Conference brings together world-leading international speakers and experts to exchange up-to-date knowledge, best practices, and advanced medical techniques. This exposure and experience equip Hoan My’s medical professionals with the valuable expertise to enhance the quality of clinical examination, treatment, and clinical practices across the Hoan My network.Since its inception, the Conference has covered topics across a wide range of medical fields, from internal medicine to surgery, pharmacy, nursing, paraclinical services, infection control, quality management improvement, and many others.

A Rigourous Research Programme Across Our Network
Drawing upon our wide network of hospitals and clinics that spans several provinces in Vietnam, Hoan My is able to use the combined expertise of all institutions to embark on a range of diverse research programmes. We also have nine active groups of clinical professionals from across nine specialties, the members of which conduct systematic and comprehensive scientific research activities. Several scientific research papers authored by Hoan My practitioners have been published in domestic medical journals, affirming Hoan My’s position and research capabilities within the healthcare industry.
Thriving on Innovation and Pushing Boundaries
At Hoan My, we champion the adoption of the best clinical practices, new technologies, and the pursuit of innovative solutions To lead a rapidly-changing industry like ours, we continuously refine and innovate our systems, processes, products and tradecraft.
Innovating Patient-Centric Care
One of Hoan My’s core values is “patient centricity”. Hoan My therefore continually innovates its systems in order to improve operational efficiency and to enhance the patient experience. We are proud to be a pioneer in the healthcare industry in terms of applying the quality management methodology “lean six sigma,” to consistently advance the quality of hospital management and the patient journey. Each hospital in the Hoan My network implements an average of 20 initiatives and projects each year, many of which have contributed to significant operational improvements and patient satisfaction enhancements, while reducing any surpluses in resources as well as any clinical errors. Several initiatives have been presented at quality management conferences organised by the local Departments of Health or the Ministry of Health. In addition, hospitals from outside the Hoan My network have chosen Hoan My hospitals as models for learning.
Integrating Information Technology systems within hospital management is also one of Hoan My’s top priorities. HM115 – a mobile application for reporting and managing hospital incidents, is one example. Thanks to this app, users can anonymously report incidents directly on their mobile devices, anywhere, at any time. HM115 enhances incident management effectiveness by supporting the analysis of root causes and the recommendation of solutions and a prevention plan to avoid future incidents. Hoan My was honoured to receive the prestigious Gold Award for HM115 under the category “Innovation in Healthcare Technology” at the Asian Hospital Management Conference.