Hoan My

Patient Rights and Obligations – Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital


Patient Rights

Right to medical examination and treatment:

  • Patients have the right to be informed and explained about their health status, methods, services for medical examination, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation suitable for their illness, in accordance with the law on medical examination and treatment; they also have the right to be guided on how to self-monitor, take care, and prevent complications.
  • Patients have the right to receive medical examination methods for their illness and health condition, as well as the actual conditions of the health-care facility.

Right to privacy and protection of health and personal information during medical examination and treatment:

  • Patients are entitled to be respected regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, health condition, economic status, or social position.
  • They have the right to keep confidential all information about their health status and personal details recorded in medical records and other information provided to Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital during the medical examination and treatment process, except in cases where information must be provided according to the law, in the case of retrieving medical records that are in the process of treatment, retrieving medical records that have completed treatment and have been transferred to storage.
  • Not being stigmatized, discriminated against, mistreated, physically abused, or sexually abused during the process of medical examination and treatment.
  • Not being forced to undergo medical examination or treatment, except in cases where treatment is mandatory as prescribed.

Right to choose in medical examination and treatment:

  • Patients can choose the method of medical examination and treatment after being provided with information and explanations about their condition, prevention methods, expected results, and possible risks, even when they request treatment methods not suitable for their condition and not listed in the Ministry of Health regulations.
  • They can also choose to participate or decline participation in biomedical research related to medical examination and treatment.

Right to access medical records and information on treatment costs:

  • Patients have the right to read, view, photocopy, and record their medical records, and be provided with information according to regulations.
  • They have the right to request a detailed explanation of the costs related to medical services and treatment.

Right to refuse medical examination and treatment and leave the healthcare facility:

  • Patients can refuse medical examination and treatment but must sign a written statement acknowledging responsibility for their refusal, except in cases where medical examination and treatment are mandatory by law.
  • They have the right to leave the healthcare facility before treatment is completed against the healthcare provider’s recommendations but must sign a written statement taking responsibility for their decision, except in cases where treatment is required by law.

Right to file complaints and request compensation:

  • Patients have the right to file complaints regarding existing issues, inadequacies, difficulties, or other problems encountered during medical examination and treatment.
  • They are entitled to compensation according to regulations.

Execution of rights for patients who have lost legal capacity, have difficulties in understanding, controlling behavior, or are minors without guardians:

  • In cases where the patient is an adult and falls into a state of incapacity, has difficulty in cognition, control of behavior, or limited civil capacity, but has previously provided a written document expressing their legitimate wishes regarding medical examination and treatment, the patient’s wishes will be followed.
  • In cases where the patient is an adult and falls into a state of incapacity, has difficulty in cognition, control of behavior, or limited civil capacity, but has not previously provided a written document expressing their legitimate wishes regarding medical examination and treatment, the following procedures will apply:
    • If there is a legal representative, the decision of the representative will be followed;
    • If there is no legal representative, the decision of the responsible medical professional or the on-duty leader of the medical facility will be followed.
  • In cases where the patient is a minor, the following procedures will apply:
    • If there is a legal representative, the decision of the representative will be followed;
    • If there is no legal representative, the decision of the responsible medical professional or the on-duty leader of the medical facility will be followed.

Patient Obligations

Obligation to respect healthcare professionals and others working at the healthcare facility:

Patients must respect healthcare professionals: they are not allowed to threaten, harm, or insult the life, health, honor, or dignity of healthcare professionals or others working at the healthcare facility.

Obligation to comply with medical examination and treatment regulations:

  • Patients must provide honest and accurate information regarding their personal details and health conditions and cooperate fully with healthcare professionals during medical examination and treatment.
  • Patients must use medication and follow treatment methods as prescribed by healthcare professionals.
  • Comply and request that their family members or visitors comply with the regulations of the healthcare facility, in accordance with the laws on medical examination and treatment.

Obligation to pay medical examination and treatment costs:

  • Patients who participate in health insurance are obligated to pay medical examination and treatment costs that are not covered by insurance, and according to the level of coverage as prescribed by the law on health insurance.
  • Patients who do not participate in health insurance are obligated to pay medical examination and treatment costs as prescribed by law.